Saturday, January 12, 2008

What the hell's going on here?!?!? Part Two

Seth is obviously not pleased with the results (or the event, for that matter) of the Spiderman:One More Day storyline, but neither is one of the main contributors- J. Michael Straczynski.
"In the current storyline, there's a lot that I don't agree with, and I made this very clear to everybody within shouting distance at Marvel, especially Joe. I'll be honest: there was a point where I made the decision, and told Joe, that I was going to take my name off the last two issues of the OMD arc. Eventually Joe talked me out of that decision because at the end of the day, I don't want to sabotage Joe or Marvel, and I have a lot of respect for both of those."
- JMS, in a Usenet post on One More Day.
(Monkey Note: Some of you might find this interesting.)

Pretty strong words.
In this aftermath and reading about this story everywhere from the Universe of the Blogosphere to People Magazine, even. (In the Split-Ups section along with Brendan Fraser, but still noted) Even with the story being mentioned as an also ran in most of the mainstream media, it's left its fans with a bad taste in their mouths:
"You know a story's bad when even the person writing it even hates it. Joe Q's been behind this all along. That's it Joe. We're comin' for you. We're not waiting for part 4 to come out. ATTICA ATTICA!"

"The greatest villainy in all of comics, the fiendish "illusion of change" strikes again, and this time it's erasing some twenty-odd years of continuity. In one misguided, poorly written, and downright upsetting storyline, all those decades of stories, including many of my personal favorites, have vanished as if they never happened in the first place. The reason seems clear, at least to me: in the eyes of some, Spider-Man was getting a bit too manly."
-from Termite Art Blog
(Monkey Note Numero Dos: The story only erases the marriage and the results of said marriage, not the history
. Although some of that history has changed a bit. As described somewhere I now forget, in the case of his public unmasking: It happened, but people just don't remember how it happened or who was actually unmasked. Headline reads: Mephisto causes Global Dimentia. Drink Coke and watch Heroes and all will be at ease.)
(Monkey Note Numero Tres: That wasn't a real Headline.)

It's even left fans outraged to the point of forum attacks on each other and the creators where Marvel has had to make this post on the Marvel site:
"Here is your ONE warning. Make insulting comments towards anyone no matter if they are a fan that liked the story, defends various creators, Joe Quesada or JMS themselves, or whomever and you will be banned. Simple as that."
And the negative backlash is reaching the thousands in the Marvel forums alone. Joe Q has even gone as far as to try to explain/ defend himself to the fans concerning the story as well as the fodder created with the disagreement with co-collaborator JMS, as noted in the interview with Jonah from CBR as one example.

The reaction alone garners a success in splash for Marvel, but where it goes from here is hard to tell. Whether all the comic shops pulling the title due to lack of sales- due to fan outrage- will effect this direction or not is only up to Joe Q himself. With a little push from Brian Michael Bendis, of course.

I've posted already that I'm on Joe Q's side in approval for the story, I think I should note why. But not until my next zine. I just thought a continuance from Seth's post was needed.

For interest sake.



Zarko said...

Yeah, there's way too much angst with 'One More Day.' Marvel (Joe Q) took a stand and that was it. I hated the whole unmasking thing, so I'm glad that's over with. Sure, the solution is a cop out, but I can live with it.

And from what I gather, JMS's idea was even more of a retcon as it was going to erase everything after the drug issues from WAY back when. From what I've read JMS has always been very protective of his writing, so if his story got rejected, it doesn't surprise me if he wanted to take his name off the story.

Seth said...

yeah, that's what I read about JMS's wanting his name pulled off the book too: it wasn't that he was mad about the PP/MJ thing, he was mad because he wanted Mephisto's spell (or whatever) to go even further back in continuity... which smells fishy to me. but apparently, there was a whole team of writers who all sat in on OMD meetings and agreed that the best thing to do with the Spider-Man character was to have him (or MJ) make a deal with the devil. YEESH.

Seth said...

This guy nails it pretty good: 5 all-time worst Spidey stories