Sunday, August 5, 2007

You can only have one run of comics... what do you choose?

Hey, great to see some posts all of a sudden!

So, I was driving today, and lost in thought, as usual (or talking on the cell phone, just to upset Marlan).

And I thought of a question I wanted to pose to you yahoos...

OK, you've been sentenced to 10 years in prison -- make it solitary confinement. But you took the fall for a major crime boss, so since you did him the favor, he's going to do you a favor... and while you rot away for the next ten years, he will send you a run of comics -- any single title -- from the very first issue to the most recent issue.

What series do you ask for?

You can't keep them, so don't choose for the sake of investment. They're only yours to read and return.

What series would most entertain you, have the most bang-for-its-buck, for ten years?

Tell me, I'm curious.

1 comment:

Monster Monkey said...

I'd have to go with Justice League of America. As I'm a newer fan to the whole JLA universe (see cartoon) I think 10 years of reading from where it all started would be awesome. As each arc would no doubt jump focus from one character to another- there would always be the "different is interesting" approach to reading. I also think that JLA is a better form of escapism than a similar title, like Avengers, which would be ideal considering the environment we're talking about.