Monday, August 6, 2007

Comics in Prison: Addendum

Just so you know (or as if you care), you CAN get comics in prison. However, there are a few limitations that come with that.

Nothing violent or extremely graphic. To pick an example out of the air, you couldn't get close enough to sniff Alan Moore's Miracleman run.

Back issues would be extremely difficult to get, depending on where you are. If you have a good administrative staff, (i.e., not a bunch of up-the-ass conservatives) then yeah, prolly. Otherwise, you would have to get a subscription service directly from the publisher.

Solitary confinement is usually devoid of any such niceties like reading materials (again, depending on where you are...see above comment). It's just you and all the time in the world.

Assuming you're not going to be in the pokey for the rest of your life, you would actually have to leave any reading materials you recieve at said institution when you discharge your sentence.

So kids, if you are thinking about whacking a rival for your local capo, remember that you can pretty much kiss your comics goodbye.

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