Saturday, April 5, 2008


This may be old news already and it may not even be true but the first time I heard the tiniest mention of it was a few months ago and you know how fanboy rumors can be. This seemed too good to be true, and it's not like the IMDB is an official source of news, but still seeing it in the listing has me kinda excited. (And yes, even though I hated the first HULK movie (and why wouldn't anyone? That was one of the worst movies ever made, second only, perhaps, to ELEKTRA. (And since it was a horrible movie, that must mean that Sweeten loved it)), I'll go see this new one, Iron Man appearance or not.)


tsweeten said...

Seriously, why is it that you feel the need to castigate me for my tastes in music, movies, etc? I'm just curious as I must have missed the announcement formally recognizing your dumbass opinions as holy writ.

Seth said...

Robert Downey Jr. made mention of being in the Hulk film in the new issue of Wizard. The new issue of Wizard was actually a decent read... it even had a excerpt from the new Jack Kirby book by Mark Evanier reprinted inside. That's the kinda thing I wanna see in a comic book magazine.

Mar, I think we need to limit you on your use of parentheses. I got lost after the third subset!

Monster Monkey said...

I've actually heard it mentioned that it's a marketing ploy for the HUlk and Iron Man to be in each other's movies to set the stage for an Avengers flick.
Makes sense and is totally cool with me...but the rumours also mentioned that it wouldn't be until after a Cap flick.....that could or could not be starring Brad Pitt....only time will tell.

mar said...

I don't castigate you, Sweeten, I just castigate your tastes (if you want to call them that). I'll resend you that announcement. I sent it a while ago.

Ah, parentheses. I actually don't know if I think I'm being clever with all the subsets or if that's really how I think.