Monday, August 6, 2007

Comments Anyone?

You guys realise that you posted comments as posts?
Replies to the post should be put into the little comments bar- that way while you're reading the replies you get to read all the interesting tidbits and additional commentary pertaining to the post. Rather than having to scroll thru an entire blog and discern what is a post and what is a reply/ comment, which would be all out annoying. (not to mention messy. Which isn't a good thing when trying to attract new members)

But that's just me. (My comments can be found in the comments of the original post)


Jason Arnett said...

Oh, yeah, I knew exactly what I was doing, thus, the "III" in my post.

However, I was just following the blog owner's lead on this. Blame him.

Seth said...

I kinda like the independent blog post answers. If it were a shorter question I think a comment would be good, but for an in-depth question, a full blog post is warranted...

tsweeten said...

Yeah, it's all MY fault...maybe in the future, once we have regular postings and such, I would agree with brad, but I want to get a good dialogue going here so that others can (hopefully) see what they're missing and join in the fun. However, I also agree with Seth's comment. Sometimes you need more than just a couple of quick lines and a snarky comment to get your point across. So I can see how both comments and posts would be acceptable, depending on the situation.

Jason Arnett said...

Travis, I hope you don't think I was being snarky. I should include winks and nods when using friendly sarcasm.

It would've been funnier if I'd been in the room with you.

BTW, I agree with you and Seth on the start-up aspect of the blog, especially with this question. I actually put some more thought into my answer because I was making a post rather than a comment.

tsweeten said...

No, I didn't think you were being snarky. I can appreciate sarcasm and humor in all it's forms (which is what I was trying to do myself, but evidently failed miserably). I was merely pointing out that a vast majority of people would have left a comment like, "Why wouldn't the mob boss send you cigarettes or lubrication instead of comics?" if they were somehow restricted to leaving only comments. By leaving a post, you are subconsciously encouraged to write more than just a few quick lines (or, I could be SERIOUSLY overanalyzing this).