Well, first post on the new blog and I have to say, man, Marlan sure knows how to wear a hat. Just as a little update to you P-Leggers, I'll be driving out to Chanute, KS starting Friday, to temporarly relocate from Charlotte, NC. It's going to be a great experience heading there to help a friend with ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) and for now, there's no timeline on how long I'll be out there.
The good news is that we had a weekend "going away for a while" party and Friday night we hit a great seafood restaurant LaVecchia's (here I am strangling my big-time friend Brian), then headed to Cosmo's to watch the lovely ladies out and about doing their thing and then ended the night appropriately at Uptown Cabaret (no photos, but plenty of 'make it rain' moves that night). There were about 12 of us in total that night and the bar tab she was a wee bit higher than I was expecting. Who knew you didn't get free drinks for leaving the city?

Saturday was equally entertaining as we headed over to Dan Norton's house. About 20 guests, great food, even better company, and it was a nice chance to say "see ya later" to all of my closest friends here in town. Pictured on the right are my good friends Wade and Shawna Knutson. Both are quality people in my book. Anyways, the drive begins at 5PM sharp on Friday, with my hopes of getting to Tunica, MS for some riverboat gambling probably a long shot, but hey, a guy can dream. I'll have plenty of pictures and stories to share on my 1100 mile drive out west. It's not a Comic-con convention, but hey, not everyone's life can be so blessed. Keep up the good blogging everyone, I'm a faithful reader!
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