Is anyone else starting to get a little... overwhelmed... with all the Watchmen stuff?
It seems like every cast member has been interviewed ten times by every pop culture media outlet. The preview is everywhere. Watchmen has it's own endcap at the big book chain. CNN is asking, "Will fans watch the Watchmen?" as one of their main stories.
How much longer before I'm filling out the crossword puzzle on the back of my box of Rorschach cereal? (Flavor: sugar cubes. Free prize: mini-grappling gun.)
I think what pushed me over the edge was when
I saw this book, pictured, at Border's this weekend. Do I really need oversized black and white portraits of every cast member -- from the Comedian to the Viet Cong Dr. Manhattan obliterates -- in a deluxe format book? For $50?
I wonder how much Watchmen stuff will be steeply discounted in three weeks from now. Would I want to buy this book for 50% off? For 75% off? The answer is no. But I'm not much into portrait photography, either, so maybe I just don't "get it."
I'm looking forward to the movie, but I'm also getting sick of seeing/hearing about it.