OK, so I'm relatively new to pulling comics from the comic shop. Or, at least, I just got back from a 2-year hiatus.
I'm pulling "Dark Avengers." I get issue 1. Issue 2 doesn't show up, even though I know it's out.
Go back to the shop, I've got issue 2, "variant 2nd print," as well as regular-ol' issue 3. (enjoying the series, btw)
So, is this commonplace? To get 2nd prints as if nothing is amiss? Or should I be like, "Dude, I'm pulling this -- get me a first printing!"
Depending on what Diamond and Marvel are up to in printings and allocations, it's probably pretty standard practice now. That you got anything at all is something to cheer about sometimes.
I don't think it's necessarily the shop's fault, but I know Diamond favors the larger customers over the smaller ones depending on reorders, 2d prints may be all the small accounts get.
I would have to agree. When I was getting comics regulary (I had to cut back), I would often get a variant print instead of the regular cover print. I really didn't care too much as long as I got my comics.
Hmm, if I were still pulling- I'd be right pissed. Did they at least inform you that you were getting the 2nd printing? Or did they just sell it to you and you noticed yourself while reading it? The latter would make me really pissed. Probably.
On that note...I've only been reading Old Man Logan and Invincible. Is there anything else worth reading these days?
I've almost stopped completely because I hate getting interested in a comic and it never comes out or it's so irregular that I can't keep up with it. Which is kinda ironic since I can't meet a deadline myself....hmm
You should be getting a 1st print. When shops get their comics, they know how many of each edition they should be getting. Granted, Diamond screws up from time to time, but for average run-of-the-mill comics, they should get enough 1st print comics for their most important customers -- the people with the pull sheets.
I suspect what happened was you did have a 1st ed. in your box -- but then someone came in the store looking for the same edition. Rather than turn the customer away, they glance over at your box and give them your book. They then ordered the 2nd ed. for you hoping you don't care. If you don't, no big deal. They made a sale and everyone's happy. If you're not, they've just pissed you off.
I saw it in action once. I was looking for a book I didn't see on the racks. They dude behind the counter said, "Wait a sec," and he took it from someone's bin.
Of course the retailers have a balancing act. They have to please everyone. I'm sure they will tell you of the many customers they've had who 'walked away' from their pull sheet with dozens of unsold comics just sitting there. That's lots of inventory tied up.
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