Trust me, this is the best way to fly. The plane takes off when you get there. The pilots get up out of their seat and say, "Is the temperature in here OK?" And there's NO LINE at customs.
OK, so I flew to Cancun with World Golf Hall of Famer Nick Price. I'm doing the cover story on him in the December issue of GCM. And he helped me play big-time magazine writer by inviting me to join him on his trip to Cancun and back this Tuesday/Wednesday.

Pretty cool. That's me and Nick (and his jet). Nick is WAY COOL. Over a few beers I told him the story of Adro telling me we should buy a keg-o-rator (I've told you the story here) and he cracked up, saying it was the "greatest story (he) ever heard!"
So, yeah, yay me! A really cool assignment! And I'll be home tomorrow by 1 p.m. SWEET.
I really hope you'll ask me about this story over a beer next time we're hanging out and there's a lull in the conversation, because the whole trip was pretty bad-ass!
And yet, I can't wait to get home and see my girls!!!
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