Hi gang,
Just an FYI, Pulp Legacy # 37 should be in your mailbox soon. Some of the issues went out Friday, while the rest went out on Monday.
Special thanks to Jason, Copy J, and new to the assembly party, Bart, for their help assembling. We killed a few beers, talked comics, music, movies and had a good ol' time at my new place.
One note about the new issue -- we had to kill the centerfold. No, she's not dead in a trunk somewhere (that I know of), I mean "management" (me, Zarko and Copy J) decided not to print it at this time. Travis did come through with photos, but the logistics of it (read: COST) was not in the cards. I'll talk to Travis more about this in-between issues, and perhaps we'll see this in a future issue, but not in this issue. (But don't be totally crestfallen... the best photo from the shoot did make it in Travis' zine, so you'll still get to see her). But we'll discuss alternative methods to make it a reality. My apologies, Trav, and everyone.
Let me know when you get the issue... feel free to post here to say, "I got it!"
haven't got it yet
still no zine
Probably tomorrow....I suspect
I hope....
I got my zine yesterday
I got the two copies too.
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