Sunday, March 30, 2008
Blatant self-promotion
I'm running a movie meme contest on my LiveJournal. If you can name three or more of the movies from the quotes posted here, I'll write you in as a character to my new story Wait for the Light. Stop on over to participate, if you like, and make sure that if you DON'T have an LJ user name that you let me know who you are so I can get your name right.
Friday, March 28, 2008
WWE Diva and Comics
Yeah, I know I'm not the biggest comic book fan here. Heck, I'd probably be voted "Least Likely to Know What Villian was in Superman #42" if that's even a book. But I had to check out Marvel's website because my girl (and 2008 Playmate) Maria was in a Q&A article. If only it was more of a T&A article...
Thursday, March 27, 2008
From Wednesday
If you came out on Wednesday to the Minicomicpalooza and you're interested in contributing to Pulp Legacy, post up here and let us know. We'll get in contact with you soon!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
eBay goodness

I thought I'd put some stuff up on eBay... offset the cost of the scanner a little bit. I usually have a good time watching stuff sell on eBay (as long as it sells, that is) and I look forward to seeing what these two items fetch me:
Friday, March 21, 2008
Current Issue
For those of you coming in late, you might have missed this post about the still-current issue of PL. I know not everyone scrolls to older posts so that's why I'm linking this here.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
What's that sound? It's the sound of everyone leaving the Pulp Legacy Blog en masse now that I'm posting on it.
Oh, crap.
Oh, crap.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Wonder Woman in Playboy?!?

Not sure if you all had seen the February 2008 cover of Playboy, where comicdom's Wonder Woman makes an appearance on the cover. A pretty good issue, actually.
I'm letting my subscription lapse. The good issues are few and far between these days. Plus, subscription rates really skyrocketed. At $1 an issue, I could handle that. Now they want close to $2 an issue... if that's the best rate they'll get me, I'll have to say no.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Dave Stevens (1955-2008)

Another great comics legend passes at the young age of 52
Dave Stevens artwork is some of the most iconic in the last 20-30 years.
He will be mainly known as the creator of THE ROCKETEER, but it was his pin-up art that will be the forefront for me. Using Bettie Page as inspiration and being personally responsible for her revival after many thought her dead, his pin-up works were THE bar in the 80's and early 90's.
He got his start doing Tarzan strips and moved on to storyboards for Hanna Barbara for such notables as The Godzilla Power Hour and Super Friends.
Reading up on his death I learned that he was fighting a long, hard battle with leukemia that he kept quiet except for close friends and family.
He passed away due to complications last Monday.
Rest in Peace, Mr. Stevens.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Friday, March 7, 2008
Some books from a random long box

Well, I grabbed a random longbox and these are a few of the cooler books I pulled out from it. Mostly it's new stuff -- New Avengers, Cap, Amazing Spidey -- a lot of stuff from right before I quit buying (the very first Civil War Spideys are in there).
And some cool Silver Age stuff. I thought, just for fun, I'd throw one of these up on eBay... but then I looked around eBay and these books are just so cheap unless they're in 9.8 or better... I'll keep them for another 20 years and then reconsider.
So here they are, for your viewing pleasure. What would you grade the X-Men # 6 at?
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Thank you Tim, Zarko!

Thanks to Tim Tjarks ($25) and Rich Zaric ($20) -- both recently contributed to our CopyCo bill. I went down to the office just now and dropped off $50, so the bill continues to shrink. I'll have to defer to Copy J on how much is left on that account now, but it's under $100 I'm sure. is my PayPal address if you still haven't chipped in and would like to.
Thanks again, guys!
Who watches the Watchmen?
These guys do!
Sunday, March 2, 2008
I've got Radiohead on so loud in my headphones, I can't even hear you!!!
Oh, and I have Radiohead tix for May 14th in St. Louis.... boom-shaka-laka!!!
And I have a solid buzz on a Sunday evening. We're being warned about flash floods. Jason, call me if you need me to bring over my canoe. Bart: You're on your own. (We all know Copy Jesus walks on water.)
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